Beverly Fresh, Wierd Rap corispondant, interviews the members of the groundbreaking experimental rap group New Kingdom and speaks with special guest King Eulas.Jason Furlow (AKA Nosaj, Nature Boy Jim Kelly) ruminates on freestyling with Rammellzee and Sir Menelik, aging, and Project Blowed. Sebastian Laws (AKA Sebstop, Sebash) explains time, synergy, and wanderlust. And producer/engineer Scott Harding (AKA Scotty Hard) takes us through the group’s work with Del and Tricky, answers some questions provided by Mike Ladd, and discusses Sensational. We even have a quick appearance from Elucid who shares his thoughts on New Kingdom too.
Not included in the episode is an additional interview with King Eulas, who sheds additional light on Nosaj. It’s available for free at http://patreon.com/weirdrap.
Also included there is the Bonus Episode, featuring the original New Kingdom demo tape and additional interviews including Nosaj’s thoughts on Wordsound Recordings and PM Dawn, Sebastian on his formative years, and Scotty Hard discussing his work with Ka and Lifers Group.
If that wasn’t enough, in honor of this episode, Nosaj of New Kingdom, King Eulas and Beverly Fresh put together a foundational avant-garde rap playlist!